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Kitchen Dish

Timeout's take on the 41 Essex gastro-statement
by Bret Thorn, NY Sun

MISS-SPOKEN Fans of ironically named food should stop by 41 Essex (41 Essex St., between Grand and Hester streets, 212-254-5370), where each week Jacob Goldman, who owns the kosher deli, offers a weekly "Foot (oops I mean FOOD) in your mouth" special named after a famous person who said something stupid. A recent offering was the Mel Gibson, which was brisket with sides of gefilte fish and matzo ball soup. This week's special, the Ambassador Andrew Young, is named after the former United Nation's Ambassador and civil rights activist who recently said unkind things about Jews, Arabs, and Koreans. It is pastrami and chopped liver on rye with a side of couscous and nok du, or mung beans. In the works are the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Stuffed Cabbage and Kreplach Dinner and the Hassan Nasralla Tsimmes Special. You can see the current special at 41essex.com/foot.htm. Suggestions of other specials are welcome.


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