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who love to run around Lower Manhattan eating, going to movies and plays, listening to music, taking pictures, and sharing all the dish

A Judge's Concession

To my dear friends:

After a complete tabulation of all the voting machines and paper ballots, with over 12,000 votes cast, the final count in the Civil Court election in the Second Municipal Court District resulted in Margaret Chan winning the election by a margin of 142 votes. I called Judge-Elect Chan last night to congratulate her on her victory.

Although I did not achieve the victory for which we all worked so hard, I am extremely proud of our efforts, the support that we built along the way, how we ran the campaign and what we accomplished. I want to thank everyone associated with this campaign for their exceptional dedication and hard work. I was particularly gratified by how many of my friends and family members gave of their time, and of themselves, to join in our effort. I thank you all for rallying behind me and working so hard for me.



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