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Produced by a bunch of smart, opinionated, dishy, nosy, funny New Yorkers
who love to run around Lower Manhattan eating, going to movies and plays, listening to music, taking pictures, and sharing all the dish

Neighborhood Grimacing in Preparation for Dybia Breakfast

Secret Service types are surveying the firehouse area

Local cops hanging a welcome banner across Pitt Street
by Yori Yanover

It’s tough being the little guy when a big story breaks out in your own neighborhood. Before you know it, your turf is invaded by the major sharks and you’re left outside the fence, struggling for little bits of information.

You think I’m talking about the press? Forget it, I’m talking about our local 7th precinct cops, who have been effectively shut out of the process of the presidential breakfast right on their own corner of Pitt and Delancey, aptly numbered 19.5 Pitt Street.

The secret service has taken over everything, my sources at the local precinct are telling me, and they’re trying to look like they’re not bitter, but they are. Most of them have put their lives on the line during the 9/11 attack, and have been sent to guard the WTC area in the last few days. But the officers I spoke to this morning had no idea that 25 of them had been selected to breakfast with the president.

They were used to hang a welcome banner across Pitt Street, climbing on a cherry picker, while Secret Service types were roaming the street. They were also used to stand as sentries at Grand and Pitt, to prevent terrorists disguised as neighborhood guys making a turn to get to Houston Street from driving through.

Our sources tell us that the reason the parking ban was changed from All day Saturday through Monday at noon had to do with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who stepped up to the bat and made the feds blink first. So now the ban starts mid-day Sunday and goes through the end of the visit Monday.

Here are the areas we believe cars would not be permitted to part at, and may be towed if left:

Grand Street from the FDR Drive to Essex Street
Clinton Street from Grand to Delancey
Delancey from Norfolk to the FDR
Broome Street from Pitt to Norfolk
East Broadway from Grand to Jefferson
Montgomery from East Broadway to Water Street
Willet Street from Delancey to Grand
Columbia Street from Delancey to Grand
Lewis from Delancey to Grand
The entire service road of the FDR, starting at Houston, all the way to Grand

It's going to be tough to find a parking spot tomorrow, apparently even for cyclists...


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