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Produced by a bunch of smart, opinionated, dishy, nosy, funny New Yorkers
who love to run around Lower Manhattan eating, going to movies and plays, listening to music, taking pictures, and sharing all the dish

Christian Mitzvah Tank

by Nancy J. Kramer

As my daughter and I were speeding up the FDR Drive on Friday - as is our daily routine - always running from behind for a limitless number of reasons, I looked up from my frenzy of trying to be certain that I was driving completely safely, but also not missing a single opportunity to get to 61st street at the head of the pack... And, lo and behold, I shouted out to my daughter, "There's a Christian Mitzvah Tank!" I gave her my cellphone, since her camera was not charged, so that she document something we had never seen before. The huge poptop van was decorated with large, lit-up neon crosses the back and on either side, and with murals of religious symbols, icons and writings covering every square inch. When I turned off at 61st street, the Christian Mitzvah tank disappeared up the Drive, presumably for its day of good works....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the difference? They both believe in a false messiah.

Menachem HaKaton

12/18/2006 11:19 AM  

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