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So, You Say You Want to Park Here?

by Yori Yanover

Every morning I walk by the Delancey Bridge, where, some 20 years ago, I used to park my car. You paid a guy 50 bucks a month and he gave you a key to the gate lock. The price was right, the only drawback being the unbelievable amount of pigeon droppings you got on your rooftop, if you parked in the wrong place.

Then they rebuilt the bridge and then came 9/11 and, somehow, we can no longer park under the bridge, for free or otherwise. That’s a shame, considering an overnight stay at a garage in the city goes for anywhere between 10 and 20 bucks.

The Dept. of Transportation keeps some of its equipment there, but that accounts for about 10 percent of the space. Why not turn it into a money-making venture for the city, and a much needed relief for the local motorists?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad idea on a security point of view. It would be too easy to park a vehicle containing a bomb at a location that could cause a disaster.

12/02/2006 11:22 AM  
Blogger תיקון ישראל said...

And right now you think the flimsy chickenwire is keeping anyone from blowing up the bridge if they wanted to?

12/03/2006 5:32 AM  

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